Virginia election #HotTakes from a new Virginian who hates both parties ☺

John E. Price
2 min readNov 4, 2021

1. Nobody likes Joe Biden or Terry McAuliffe and the myth of the "Competent Businessman Turned Politician" still exists (Why? Nobody knows).

2. The Democrats abandoned the working class at least a decade ago and seemingly don’t even pretend to mind (spoiler: look at any election map since let’s say 2010).

2a. “Which working class?" is a valid question, as the media insists on dividing the working class into racialized divisions (as opposed to occupational/geographical). The answer…



John E. Price

Academic and Trekkie. I talk about the politics of culture, review nerd stuff, and golf a lot. Co-host: @podmeandering, #TopFive, @folkwise13