Lower Decks, ep 1: Not great, but at least it’s Star Trek (some spoilers)

John E. Price
4 min readAug 6, 2020

For the first time of the CBS era, they actually produced a Star Trek series.

The biggest hurdle is the animation style, and if that doesn’t work for you, it just won’t. Luckily for me, I like it. The second biggest hurdle is CBS. And just from the first episode, it seems like Mike McMahan did the damn thing and managed to keep Kurtzman’s slimy hands off the show.

There are still way too many listed “producers” but this is clearly written and produced by someone who understands…



John E. Price

Academic and Trekkie. I talk about the politics of culture, review nerd stuff, and golf a lot. Co-host: @podmeandering, #TopFive, @folkwise13